Status Update: Gentle Demon V1C9

So, I figured it was high time to tell you guys/girls/cats/CIA-Agents-disguised-as-lolis what the progress was on Gentle Demon.

It’s about 25% done.

You in the back, don’t “Ehhhhh??????!?!?!?!?!!1!!/1?1!?” me. That’s what you get for leaving this work in the hands of someone without a schedule. Go search for a proper translator for this work. Seriously. Do it. I want to read this just as much as you guys do, but it’s difficult to translate, you know?

The reason for this chapter’s status is partially due to its length (7,272 characters when compared to the last chapter of Sword-shisho’s double-length 5,661 characters), but mainly due to… Hm… How to put it…

“The desire to do it right”, I suppose?

Just listen for a minute. Gentle Demon is a really good work. I could tell that early into reading it — call it reader’s intuition reinforced as a writer myself. That’s the reason I wanted to translate it so much that I pushed myself to MTL it, after all.

Also, just to note, the fact that Yuru was adorable had little to do with that judgement.

And so, because I saw and still see a lot of potential, I want to be as accurate as possible in my translation… But because it’s very well written (supposedly — I can’t read Japanese, so I can only guess due to its difficulty), it’s hard to do that. I’m constantly finding myself being sure of a line’s translation, only to find that a couple lines later said past-line makes no sense in the context.

There’s also the fact that it has deeper meaning in words — something that you don’t find a lot in webnovels (add that to the reasons why this work’s so good) — but that meaning is hard to put into English, because it can (and usually will be) lost in translation.

Hopefully that makes sense.

I won’t deny the fact that I’ve been slacking on this work lately (especially compared to sword-shisho), but that’s because I’d rather play games than do a bad job representing what is definitely going to be one of the best works I’ll ever read (and if not, it’ll rank pretty darn high at least). I’m also doing this for myself, so anyone with complaints can… I dunno, cry?


And so, fly my minio— I mean, er… Go find a proper Translator, you bunch of digital hippogriffs! I won’t accept anyone more half-assed than me, and no, putting the whole thing into Google-sensei isn’t enough.

Until you do, I’ll keep translating… But it’ll be at a speed similar to delivering a glass chalice across a field of pins. It’ll be slow and painful (for me), but that’s for the sake of the chalice. It may also have to do with foot blood.

So yeah!

28 thoughts on “Status Update: Gentle Demon V1C9”

  1. Novelupdates LIED to me. It was all like “Hey bro, the ninth chapter of lax demon is out.” and I was all like “fuck yeaaaaah.” and then I came here and got trolled so hard.

    I demand a refund.


    1. I don’t know who did that… I only ever put updates on Novelupdates after posting the Page with the translation. It’s completely unrelated to Posts.

      You can see the difference through the URL — Posts have a timestamp, Pages don’t.

      Whoever updated Novelupdates is a liar! Either that, or they came from the future!


  2. hahaha~ XD! So it’s still not done, well, can’t be helped, it’s already great that Gentle Demon is being translated, will just have to wait,, wait,,,, waitt…… lol.

    — Thanks for the update~! Good luck with it!
    Lastly, will it take about a month? cause it will be the start of school for me by then, I won’t be able to surf the internet much when that time comes…


      1. Ehhh. I didn’t say I’d stop translating, y’know~?

        I’ll be translating at the same pace as always for Gentle Demon: slowly and carefully. This update was just to let you guys know about the current chapter’s status.


  3. I don’t mind the slow updates. I thoroughly enjoyed gentle demon and the quality of the translation. We’re all leeches anyway, so the least we can do is wait, right? Caring about things like a ‘schedule’ while reading WN translations online makes whoever is demanding that a hypocrite.

    Also, foot blood; someone on the Internet is into that. There’s that one guy.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I started trying to MTL chapter 10, ostensibly to give some support after years of leaching, but mostly because I’m procrastinating some work *cough*. Anyways, some of this stuff is turning my head and I’ve barely got past translating the first page, but I’ll happily forward you what I’ve managed by the time you upload C9. I don’t know if the end result will be up to the standard you seem to be setting but it should at least help you get started.

    Give me a shout if you’re interested


  5. I started trying to MTL chapter 10, ostensibly to give some support after years of leaching, but mostly because I’m procrastinating some work *cough*. Anyways, some of this stuff is turning my head and I’ve barely got past translating the first page, but I’ll happily forward you what I’ve managed by the time you upload C9. I don’t know if the end result will be up to the standard you seem to be setting but it should at least help you get started.

    Give me a shout if you’re interested

    2nd attempt. Either the first didn’t post, has to be approved or there’s some kind of delay. Guess I’ll find out…


    1. Yeah, there’s a weird approval thing that has to go through whenever someone posts for the first time. Not sure how to change that, or even if changing it is possible.

      Anyways, glad to see someone else attempting a translation!

      V1C9 is about halfway done (more or less), because I found out something interesting about what my machines have been stumbling over — which I’ll share with you as well.

      In Gentle Demon, the author sometimes writes Katakana (I think it’s Katakana, anyways) over terms for what they should “properly sound like” (I think). Machines plop the Katakana right into the writing, however. This results in repeating terms… Which is messy.

      Therefor, I’ve started keeping the Raw page open alongside my machines for the sake of accuracy. I suggest you do the same!


  6. I’m reading Happy Life, in which Liz (4) just out a prince twice her age for being irresponsible. That’s pretty darn adorable too. It’s not Yurushia, but it helps me wait.

    Take your time, translate well, because we know it’s gonna be good when it gets here.


  7. Yea, I read the Google-sensei translated version of the chapters to come and I must say I’m willing to wait months on end for yours.

    Top-notch job!


  8. Hm? Half way done now you say! Well I have no problem with it at all, I appreciate the translation no matter the speed well… as long as you don’t take 6 months and bait and switch I won’t be even remotely upset. Oooo I saw you mention earlier that you write? I’m assuming it’s not one of the works listed? I kinda write as a hobby and am really interested in reading other peoples work, especially if English is the original language.


    1. At worst it’ll be finished by the end of the Month, so look forward to it~

      In regards to my own writing, Undead Life(?) — or more accurately, “My Life(?) as an Undead” is actually my own writing~

      It’s gotten confused with a translation a lot, but I’ll take that as a compliment because a lot of TL’d works have a higher quality than Raw-English works.

      It’s still just in the starting phase, so there’s a lot of explaining n’ stuff going on… But read it if you’d like. I’ll be posting another chapter on Friday, too!


      1. Oh? I’ll definitely check it out! I might check it out today or tomorrow not sure I might be writing myself instead and just read everything tomorrow hehehe. Explaining stuff is always long and it needs to be done, just a matter of how it’s presented ^^ looking forward to it


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